Perception towards Roles of Primary Care Pharmacy of Multidisciplinary in the 10th Health Region
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This study aims to investigate perception of multidisciplinary towards roles of primary care pharmacy (PCP) and analyze factors associated with them. This is a descriptive study. Data collection was proceeded by distributing the survey to multidisciplinary in the 10th health region online and by post. Four domains of PCP with eleven roles were included. The questionnaire includes three key questions: perception towards roles of PCP; perception towards the benefit of PCP; perception towards how primary care pharmacist perform their work. Content validity and reliability were tested. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and multivariate regression. Most multidisciplinary perceived all PCP roles (³ 90%). About three-quarters of multidisciplinary perceived PCP roles of high benefit (63-78%). Less than half of multidisciplinary perceived that primary care pharmacist worked well regarding home pharmaceutical care and managed drug-related problems for the community (46-49%). Factors associated with the perception towards good performance and benefit of PCP were financial support (95%CI: 0.64-5.00; 95%CI: 1.62-5.63) and frequency of pharmacist working at primary care (95%CI 0.41-4.17, 0.11-3.44). This study suggests that the pharmacist need to improve their performance, especially the proactive activity and working in the community.
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