Evaluation of a Development of Employment Policy, Enhancement of Work Ability and Quality of Work Life for Work Expansion among Nurses After Retirement

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Juntarat Jaricksakulchai
Bhusita Intaraprasong
Ratthapol Sillaparassamee


The purpose of this research was to analyze the context, inputs, processes and outcomes of the project by evaluating the CIPP Model. The sample groups of the study consisted of retired nurse (age 60 years and over), elderly caregivers, leader of Local Administrative Organization and a multidisciplinary team in Nonthaburi Province Phetchaburi Province and Surat Thani Province. This study had used a questionnaire and focus group discussion and descriptive statistics were used to analyze data. The results of the research were as follows: 1) Overview of project context, input factors, development factors, Productivity indicators of project implementation of the 3 provinces were at a very satisfactory level. 2) Input factors, implementation process, health status and health behaviors and quality of life of the elderly with dependency in the community had productivity of the project implementation of all 3 provinces at a high level. The quality of the activities was at a very excellent level. This program benefits for the elderly, which is very consistent with creating or modifying policies, promoting the health of the elderly with dependency, community empowerment, skills development of elderly caregivers, modifying the service model and policy recommendations for organizing the elderly care services system within the community under the responsibility of the provincial public health office and related agencies in the community, organize a care system with a retired professional nurse as the long-term care system manager. Academic recommendations will support the potential development of retired nurses who want to continue working.

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How to Cite
Jaricksakulchai J, Intaraprasong B, Sillaparassamee R. Evaluation of a Development of Employment Policy, Enhancement of Work Ability and Quality of Work Life for Work Expansion among Nurses After Retirement. Health Sci J Thai [internet]. 2022 Dec. 5 [cited 2025 Feb. 17];5(1):64-71. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HSJT/article/view/257144
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