Health Literacy Affecting the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Prevention and Control Performance of Village Health Volunteers at Khon Kean Province

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Worachai Jareet
Nakarin Prasit
Nathakon Nilnate
Ampawan Nonthamat
Saranya Phanyotha
Supat Kongsrima
Pittaya Thummawongsa


The objective of this cross-sectional research was to investigate the relationship between health literacy and the prevention and control performance of Coronavirus Disease 2019 among village health volunteers in Khon Kean province. The population consisted of 33,838 village health volunteers in Khon Kaen province. To calculate the sample group in this study, 220 samples were randomly sampled using a stratified random sampling method. The data was collected between November 1, 2022 and November 30, 2022. Statistics used to analyze data were descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, including Pearson's Correlation and Stepwise Multiple Linear Regression. The results of the study revealed that the overall health literacy factors and the Coronavirus Disease 2019 prevention and control performance of village health volunteers in Khon Kean province were at a high level with a mean of 2.49 (S.D.=0.30) and a mean of 2.54 (S.D.=0.33) respectively. It was found that the overall health literacy factors had a high relationship with the Coronavirus Disease 2019 prevention and control performance (r = 0.875, p-value < 0.001), and found that health literacy factors; the skill of health cognition, skill of Inquiring about health, skill of decision-making aspects, skill of health behavior modification and communicating and spreading health information able to jointly predict the Coronavirus Disease 2019 prevention and control performance of village health volunteers in Khon Kean province at 78.3% (R2=0.783)


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How to Cite
Jareet W, Prasit N, Nilnate N, Nonthamat A, Phanyotha S, Kongsrima S, Thummawongsa P. Health Literacy Affecting the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Prevention and Control Performance of Village Health Volunteers at Khon Kean Province. Health Sci J Thai [internet]. 2023 Jun. 23 [cited 2025 Feb. 20];5(3):18-27. available from:
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