The Guidelines for Water Quality Management on the Middle of Tha Chin River

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Sasiwaroon Nawagawong
Chanagun Chitmanat1
Prachuab Chaibu
Sayam Aroonsrimorakot


The objectives of this research were to study the Water Quality Index (WQI) in the Middle Tha Chin River, conduct a comparative analysis of land use in the Middle Tha Chin River Basin between 2007 and 2019, and prepare the guidelines/mechanism where required for water quality restoration in the Middle Tha Chin River. Based on the research, the overall water quality in the Middle Tha Chin River was classified as poor, with the WQI of 58. Land uses in Suphan Buri and Nakhon Pathom have changed to a large extent in 2019, compared to those in 2007, in both upward and downward directions, especially in urban and built-up land. The guideline /mechanism, which is required for polluted water remediation, the wastewater treatment system should be improved, to make it more effective and better function, while the water treatment service should be extensively provided to cover the whole area. At the same time, local administrative organizations should also be encouraged to issue the municipal laws about wastewater treatment, determine wastewater treatment service fees and push for the collection of such fee. Apart from that, public relations campaigns should also be conducted to provide knowledge to the public, especially those living on riverbanks. Public participation should be promoted in the preparation of the local wastewater management plan while grease traps should also be installed, with maintenance-related knowledge provided, especially to those living on riverbanks, in order to minimize the amount of wastewater released into the river and its tributaries.

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How to Cite
Nawagawong S, Chitmanat1 C, Chaibu P, Aroonsrimorakot S. The Guidelines for Water Quality Management on the Middle of Tha Chin River. Health Sci J Thai [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 25 [cited 2024 Oct. 28];6(4). Available from:
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