Modified TB Fast Amp to Finding Negative Acid Fast Stain in Tuberculosis’ Patient during 2013-2017: Reports of Pathological Laboratory of Regional Medical Science Center 10th Ubon Ratchathani


  • Khamsaen J, Panumaswiwat S, Chaipanna B, Khewsri W, Jearakul W


Tuberculosis, Negative acid fast stain, TB FastAmp


Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that continues to be a public health problem in many countries around the world. In 2015, it is the second leading cause of death in the world. 1.8 million people died from the disease and 10.4 million have been infected. The improvement in patient monitoring and patient screening, as well as patients with smear-negative tuberculosis is important. By 2014, the World Health Organization reports that only 63 per cent (6 million) of the 9.6 million people were detected. It means that 37 per cent of all tuberculosis patients are unlikely to be detectable. The aim of this study was to identify smear-negative tuberculosis patients with using TB Fast Amp. 385 patients were reported from Public Health Laboratory of Medical Science Center 10 Ubon Ratchathani during 2013 to 2017. The positive results were 59 cases, 15.32%. Negative results were 326 cases, 84.68% 5-years old minimum, 91-years old maximum, 204 males, 52.99%, 181 females, 47.01%. There were 25 home-related patients, 17.24% and 120 no home-sickness, 82.76%. 35.8 cases had previous tuberculosis treatment, 24.82%. 106 cases had no previous tuberculosis treatment, 75.18%. The results from the TB FastAmp study could help to find out negative-smear tuberculosis patients 15.32%. Then this molecular technique should be used for the detection of tuberculosis in clinical trials, especially in countries with limited resources.Keyword: Tuberculosis, Negative acid fast stain, TB FastAmp


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How to Cite

Khamsaen J, Panumaswiwat S, Chaipanna B, Khewsri W, Jearakul W. Modified TB Fast Amp to Finding Negative Acid Fast Stain in Tuberculosis’ Patient during 2013-2017: Reports of Pathological Laboratory of Regional Medical Science Center 10th Ubon Ratchathani. J DMS [internet]. 2019 Feb. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 23];44(1):36-41. available from:



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