Factors Related to Dental Care Behaviors among Patient Taking Methamphetamine in Thanyarak Hospital


  • Kaviya Manavid, D.D.S
  • Warankana Chankong, Ph.D.
  • Araya Prasertchai, D.S.,D.Sc.


Dental care behavior, Drug abuse, Methamphetamine


Background : Methamphetamine users are reported to have high caries rates due to effect of methamphetamine cause dry mouth, reduces salivary buffering capacity and associated with poor oral hygiene behavior. Author investigated the factors related to dental care behaviors among patient taking methamphetamine.

Objective : To study dental care behavior; the relationship between general information, predisposing, reinforcing, enabling factors and dental care behavior among patient taking methamphetamine.

Method : The population was patient taking methamphetamine and admitted in Thanyarak Hospital from September to November 2018, patients randomly selected by simple sampling method and 354 data were collected to interview with the reliability 0.79. This study were analyzed using descriptive statistics, chi-square, odds ratio and Pearson correlation coefficiency.

Results : Patient taking methamphetamine brushed their teeth twice a day 61.6 percent, did not know if tooth paste they used has fluoride or not 56.2 percent, did not use others dental care product 64.1 percent and did not brush teeth every area: General information factor that related to dental care behavior was education, Matthyom 4 and higher levels had better dental care behavior 2.6 times than lower levels, Oral health care knowledge and knowing risk of oral disease had a positive relationship with dental care behavior, Availability had a positive relationship with dental care behavior but affordability had a negative relationship with dental care behavior. Family support had a positive relationship with dental care behavior.

Conclusion : Factors related to dental care behaviors among patient taking methamphetamine were education, oral health care knowledge and knowing risk of oral disease, availability and family support.


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How to Cite

Manavid K, Chankong W, Prasertchai A. Factors Related to Dental Care Behaviors among Patient Taking Methamphetamine in Thanyarak Hospital. J DMS [internet]. 2021 Mar. 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 22];45(4):62-7. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JDMS/article/view/249755



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