Development of an Effectiveness Model of Caring Delayed Speech Child from Electronic Screen Media Using Buddhist Psychological Program of Behavior Modification


  • Sainoi Kumchoo, B.N.S. สถาบันสุขภาพเด็กแห่งชาติมหาราชินี


Delayed speech child, Electronic screen media, Buddhist psychology, Psychological electronic media


Background : Delayed speech in children results from the problem of modern-day parenting. Thus, the development of speech model is created in order to improve parenting, as well as children’s speech development. The model consists of a Buddhist psychological program which integrates Buddhist ethics and psychological theories in the program activities.

Objectives : 1) To study and use the condition of raising children with slow speech from parents who provided their children with electronic media as a case study. 2) To study the effectiveness of raising slow-talking children via electronic media of Buddhist program of behavioral adaptation 3) To present an effectiveness of parenting delayed speech children from using electronic media with Buddhist behavior modification program.

Methods : A mixed research with multiple research methods was conducted. The research was divided into 3 phases. The first phase consisted of selecting a specific group of Buddhist scholars, developmental-behavioral pediatricians, nurses, speech practitioners, occupational therapists, and psychologists. This selected group was able to provide key information. The selection method used consisted of 1) interview questions 2) child development screening form from the Department of Mental Health. Phase 2 consisted of a sample group of parents of the pediatric patients, 32 in total. The research methods involved using the Buddhist psychological program of behavior modification developed from the first phase, and measurement of speech behavior of children. The third phase was a topographic sampling record from parents of 100 children who came to the Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health in 2019. The data were collected by using the assessment to measure the effective of parenting by those using the Buddhist psychology program for behavioral modification among slow speech children via electronic media. The data were then taken for analysis.

Results : 1) Mean score and percentage of improvement in effective parenting of slow speech children by using the Buddhist program of behavioral adaptation were statistically higher than pre-treatment at the .05 level, which was a good overall result. 2) After the experiment, more children passed the evaluation criteria of the Speech Behavior Scale. The post-test scores were significantly higher than those of the pre-test by .05 level. 3) Model development was consistent with the empirical data (p = 0.89).

Conclusion : Parenting with the use of effective model for delayed speech children via electronic media with a Buddhist behavioral adaptation program resulted in a better child development.


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How to Cite

Kumchoo S. Development of an Effectiveness Model of Caring Delayed Speech Child from Electronic Screen Media Using Buddhist Psychological Program of Behavior Modification. J DMS [internet]. 2021 Jun. 18 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];46(1):193-201. available from:



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