The Effect of a Nursing Care Program Using Swanson’s Caring Model on Drug Administration Behavior of School-age Children with Epilepsy Parents


  • Noochsaporn Thongkhum, B.N.S Student in Master of Nursing Science Program
  • Surasak Treenai, Ph.D. Faculty of Nursing, Chulalongkorn University


Nursing care, Swanson’s caring model, Drug administration behavior, School-age children with epilepsy


Background: Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder in children. Epilepsy is caused by an abnormal electrical discharge organ, causing convulsions in which the patient is unable to control their body movements.Objective: The purpose of this research was to study the effectiveness of applying Swanson’s caring model to medication administration nursing care program for parents of school - age children with epilepsy.Methods: The target population was 32 parents of epilepsy children aged between 6-12 years old who admitted at Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health. The population was divided into 2 groups: control group (n = 16) and experimental group (n = 16) with matching criteria of education. The control group received the normal nursing care, while the experimental group received drug administration nursing care program with an adaptation of Swanson’s caring model. The program lasted for 3 weeks. The research instruments were the nursing care program based on the concept of Swanson and the questionnaires on drug administration for parents of school-age children with epilepsy. The content validity was .83 and reliability analysis was .86. T-test was used to determine significant difference between the two groups.Results: (1) drug administration by parents in the experimental group improved after receiving the nursing care program using Swanson’s caring model (2) drug administration by parents in the experimental group also improved more than the control group.Conclusion: These findings revealed nursing activities which promoted drug administration by parents of school-age children with epilepsy. The effective nursing care include five components of Swanson’s caring model that lead to individual practice confidence, hope, encouragement and belief in practicing correct drug administration.


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How to Cite

Thongkhum N, Treenai S. The Effect of a Nursing Care Program Using Swanson’s Caring Model on Drug Administration Behavior of School-age Children with Epilepsy Parents. J DMS [internet]. 2021 Sep. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 27];46(2):15-23. available from:



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