Safety Concentration of Inotrope and Vasopressor for Peripheral Venous Administration in Pediatric Patients


  • Kamolwan Porka Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health


safety concentration, inotrope, vasopressor, peripheral venous


Inotropes and asopressors are essential for improving blood flow in patients with shock. These drugs were originally administered through a central venous catheter (CVC). Since they induce vasoconstriction, the leakage from the distal venous catheter can cause severe tissue injury. However, central venous catheterization can cause various complications, especially sepsis. More studies have been conducted on peripheral venous catheter (PVC) administration, which could be viable and safe when rapid dosing is required in critical conditions. The rapid administration of inotropes and vasopressors through PVC can reduce the need for an urgent central venous catheter and the mortality of patients when properly administered according to reliable guidelines.


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How to Cite

Porka K. Safety Concentration of Inotrope and Vasopressor for Peripheral Venous Administration in Pediatric Patients. J DMS [Internet]. 2022 Sep. 27 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];47(3):138-44. Available from:



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