Factors Predicting Good Pharmacy Practices of Modern Drugstores in Chachoengsao Province


  • Pornsawan Imamee Chachoengsao Provincial Public Health Office
  • Lalita Pornpanawan Chachoengsao Provincial Public Health Office




Modern drugstore, Good Pharmacy Practices, Factors predicting


Background: Each modern drugstore must pass a criteria evaluation for Good Pharmacy Practices (GPP) before receiving or renewing a license to sell drugs. Objective: To study combined factors that could explain GPP practices of modern drugstores in Chachoengsao province. Methods: The study was a cross-sectional survey research. Datawere collected from a responsible pharmacist in each of the 120 drugstores. A self-administered questionnaire was developed based on the GPA criteria and passed the validity and reliability assessment was used to collect the data. Data analysis was performed using multiple classification analysis (MCA) statistics. Result: Most of the stores have been open for over 10 years. Most of them were stand-alone stores, and more than half used to attend a seminaron drugstore standards development. The majority of the respondents had a high level of perceived self-efficacy inrelation to the development of drugstore structures, equipment, personnel, drug quality control, and GPP practices. About 63.0 percent (R2 = 0.628) of the GPP evaluation scores variance could be explained by the above 5 self-efficacyfactors plus the three drugstore factors, namely the years that the store was opened, the period in obtaining thelicense, and seminar attendance. The efficacy regarding drugstore equipment was the best predictor, followed by the period in obtaining the license, and self-efficacy to develop the drugstore structures. Conclusion: GPP evaluation outcome could be significantly explained by the 8 factors in the MCA analysis model. Since perceived self-efficacy is one of the best predictors to perform a specific practice, attending the seminar was significantly related to a high GPP evaluation score. Therefore, a seminar regarding the GPP development should be offered for drugstores that have never attended the seminar. A drugstore that successfully performed the GPP should be used as a positive model.


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How to Cite

Imamee P, Pornpanawan L. Factors Predicting Good Pharmacy Practices of Modern Drugstores in Chachoengsao Province. J DMS [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 15 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];48(2):78-85. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JDMS/article/view/259575



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