Body-fluid Identification Using mRNA Analysis


  • Chairat Manasatienkij Rajavithi Hospital
  • Aungkana Nimnual Rajavithi Hospital


mRNA, Tissue and body fluid identification, Forensic RNA analysis, Biological trace evidence


Saliva, seminal fluid, sweat, or blood stains indicate different kinds of interaction between assailant and victim. The identification of biological origin of the tissue and body fluid collected from the crime scene or forensic evidence is crucial for criminal action reconstruction. Conventional analytical methods for body fluid identification consist of presumptive test for preliminary screening purpose and confirmatory test. The sensitivity of these conventional methods is usually the ratio of 1:400 to 1:100,000 dilution of the original body fluid specimen. There are also several limitations of the conventional method, such as long turnaround time, low specificity, and high amount of specimen consumption. Tissue-specific mRNA analysis has been recently developed and applied to identify body fluid and tissue type. Analytical sensitivity and specificity are greatly improved. It also enables the detection of multiple body fluids in a single reaction, significantly decreasing the specimen consumption. The analytical technique is the amplification of targeted nucleotide on specific mRNA strand by a PCR reaction. After the amplification, several novel detection technologies are applied.


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How to Cite

Manasatienkij C, Nimnual A. Body-fluid Identification Using mRNA Analysis. J DMS [internet]. 2023 Sep. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];48(3):131-8. available from:



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