Outcomes of Complications in Children with Hearing Impairment Post Cochlear Implantation in Rajavithi Hospital during to 2005-2020


  • Supranee Boonmee Department of Out Patient Nursing, Rajavithi Hospital




Complications, Children with hearing impairment, Cochlear Implantation


Background: Bilateral profound congenital hearing loss in children can negatively affect speech or language development. Cochlear implants are neural prostheses capable of improving hearing in patients. Unilateral or bilateral cochlear implantation is a well-defined and safe surgical procedure allowing hearing rehabilitation of patients with severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss. Knowledge of the risks associated with cochlear implantation is important. Complications of this surgery are associated with surgical techniques. Most publications on this subject classify complications as minor and major complications. Objective: To study the complications after cochlear implantation in children with hearing loss. Methods: The researcher collected data by retrospective chart review on complications for the cochlear implantation recipients in Rajavithi Hospital, reported from January 2005 to December 2020. Two hundred cases of children with hearing loss, all under five years of age, underwent cochlear implantation. Descriptive research was conducted as a cross-sectional study and data analysis was conducted byusing percentage, average, and standard deviation. Results: There were 4 cases (2.0%) with minor complications: postoperative subcutaneous hematoma in 2 cases (1.0%), vomiting in 1 case (0.5%), and temporary nerve facial in 1 case (0.5%). No major complications were found in this study. Conclusion: Cochlear implantation is generally a safe procedure. Children who undergo cochlear implants have minor complications such as vomiting and swelling. Symptoms of the above-mentioned minor complications and side effects were treated and recovered within a short time, and no major complications were noted. It is believed that follow-ups and receiving immediate intervention processes pre- and post-operations are necessary for successful results.


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How to Cite

Boonmee S. Outcomes of Complications in Children with Hearing Impairment Post Cochlear Implantation in Rajavithi Hospital during to 2005-2020. J DMS [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 15 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];48(2):102-9. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JDMS/article/view/260171



Original Article