Clinical Efficacy of Alveolar Ridge Preservations after Maxillary Anterior Tooth Extraction on Horizontal Dimensional Changes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis


  • Pinsuda Poolthananunt Institute of Dentistry
  • Sasithorn Thaweedej Institute of Dentistry


Alveolar ridge preservation, Maxillary anterior teeth, Horizontal dimensional changes


Background: An issue frequently encountered is the unsuitability of the bone ridge shape to support dental implants, especially when the bone ridge width is insufficient, often a consequence of bone resorption following tooth extraction. The alveolar ridge preservation technique, employed post-extraction, relies on guided tissue regeneration principles. Its objectives encompass augmenting bone volume, minimizing resorption, and improving aesthetics to provide ample support for implants. Objectives: To synthesize research findings systematic review and a meta-analysis on the efficacy of alveolar ridge preservations in horizontal dimensions change after maxillary anterior teeth extraction. Methods: Related articles were systematically search via PubMed, Cochrane library, Google Scholar, and manual searches. Articles published in English or Thai from 1980 to May 2022 were selected. Six articles were accepted for meta-analysis, with calculated mean and standard deviation for alveolar ridge resorption in horizontal dimensions. Standard mean difference (SMD) was determined at a 95% confidence interval (CI). Result: The analysis demonstrated the clinical efficacy of using the alveolar ridge preservation technique after maxillary anterior teeth extraction on horizontal dimensional changes was better than normal healing socket with a statistically significantly (SMD=6.668, 95%CI 4.58, 8.76, p < .001) with high heterogeneity of data (I2 = 98.5 %) and insufficient evidence may impede conclusive results. Conclude: Alveolar ridge preservations after maxillary anterior teeth extraction shows clinical efficacy in horizontal dimensional bone changes. However, the clinical efficacy of alveolar ridge preservation may remain inconclusive. The reason for heterogeneity is the evidence is limited and further high-quality research is required.


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How to Cite

Poolthananunt P, Thaweedej S. Clinical Efficacy of Alveolar Ridge Preservations after Maxillary Anterior Tooth Extraction on Horizontal Dimensional Changes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. J DMS [internet]. 2023 Dec. 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];48(4):67-75. available from:



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