Journal Information
Publication Ethics
1. Ethics of the Editor-in-chief
1) The editor has a duty and responsibility to assess the quality of articles submitted for publication in the journal. The assessment is based primarily on the relevance to the journal’s aims and scope, fairness, and impartiality, without bias or conflict of interest with the authors.
2) The editor has a duty and responsibility to decide on the acceptance or rejection of articles submitted for publication in the journal.
3) The editor has a duty and responsibility to check for plagiarism using reliable plagiarism detection software. If plagiarism is found, the editor must halt the review process and contact the author for an explanation to determine the acceptance or rejection of the article.
4) The editor has a duty and responsibility to select appropriate reviewers for the articles. Reviewers should have relevant expertise and no conflict of interest with the authors or the editor.
5) The editor has a duty and responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of personal information of the authors and reviewers.
6) The editor has a duty and responsibility to ensure that authors have the freedom to express their academic opinions while maintaining the accuracy of academic works. The content and information in the published articles are the responsibility of the authors and do not reflect the opinions or responsibility of the editorial board.
7) The editor has a duty and responsibility to ensure the quality of the articles published.
8) The editor must maintain the journal’s standards and continuously develop its quality.
9) The editor must adhere to the principle of transparency and not publish articles with conflicts of interest.
10) The editor should allow authors to explain and appeal if they disagree with the reviewers' recommendations.
2. Ethics of the Authors
1) Authors must ensure that their original manuscripts comply fully and correctly with the journal's guidelines.
2) Authors must not commit plagiarism or claim others' academic works as their own. If using text or information from other works, authors must correctly cite the sources.
3) The authors listed in the article must have genuinely contributed to the academic work.
4) Authors must respect the academic opinions of others and be willing to revise their articles as recommended to meet journal standards and academic criteria.
5) Authors must read and agree before submitting their articles to the journal, agree to the final publication, and take responsibility for their submitted works.
6) Articles submitted for publication must not have been published elsewhere and must not be under consideration by other journals. If duplicate publication is found, it is solely the author's responsibility.
7) Authors must disclose sources of funding and/or any conflicts of interest in the original manuscript.
3. Ethics of the Reviewers
1) Reviewers must have knowledge, experience, and expertise in the relevant field to fairly and accurately assess articles for publication, without bias or personal interest.
2) Reviewers should submit their evaluations within the specified time. If unable to review the article for any reason, they should inform the editor immediately.
3) Reviewers should evaluate articles fairly and without bias. Personal likes or dislikes should not influence their critique. Reviewers should clearly express their opinions, and their recommendations should be detailed and constructive to help authors improve their work, even if the article is of poor quality and rejected for publication.
4. Ethics in Human Research
If the authors' research involves studies and experiments conducted on humans, particularly those involving socially vulnerable groups, which may affect privacy, pose physical or psychological risks, or result in social discrimination, the authors must include a human research ethics approval certificate with the manuscript. Additionally, the authors must specify the ethics approval code in the manuscript.