The Information System of Water Management in fish cage farmer, Trang Province By Community Based participation for Water Quality Monitoring and Warning on Mobile Application



  • Tantus Piekkoontod Suan Dusit University
  • Witoon Khongphol Suan Dusit University
  • Songsakda Chayanugara Suan Dusit University
  • Arpapan Satayavibul Suan Dusit University


The Information System of Water Management for Water Quality Monitoring and Warning, Trang


This research aims to analyzed how to solved water management by community base participation. Data Collection and the Water Quality Monitoring and Warning Information systems have been developed. In-depth interviews and group discussions have been collected from Ban-Kiam fieherman village in South Kantang, Trang Province in term of community background, community leader, community based participation, demand of the community, the stage of the problem and how to promote The Information System of Water Management by Using Community Based participation for Water Quality Monitoring and Warning.

The results show that the community participation was involved in all stages. The villager who received the information about Water Quality Monitoring and Warning Information systems, they have a good positive approach (Attitude). Moreover, they had participated (Purpose) with researcher to configured and defined parameters. The representative people (Representation), who have the fish cages were consensus from the community right to maintain (Consensus) the system. The community has confidence and trust (Trust) in this system. Villager substituted of information and news (Information-sharing) during the community interactions (Interaction). In the process of installing system, villager help and support to operated system. In addition, Data validation and. transparency (Transparency) and independence (Independence) could be check by application on mobile phones. This pattern has been attentive by neighborhoods and it could be moving forward (Onward-doing) when the nearby localities villager installed this system and developed of data network (Network). Surveillance of water quality and warning application show the highest satisfaction levels in terms of use, format and image, the practical installation process and understanding of application usage and the of overview application


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How to Cite

Piekkoontod, T., Khongphol, W., Chayanugara, S., & Satayavibul, A. (2019). The Information System of Water Management in fish cage farmer, Trang Province By Community Based participation for Water Quality Monitoring and Warning on Mobile Application: English. Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Research and Development (JMARD), 1(4), 51–66. Retrieved from