Results of a development process of knowledge promotion instilling democratic behavior among elementary school students
Democracy, Elementary education, Learning outcome, Learning activitiesAbstract
This article is part of research developing a model of knowledge promotion and behavioral cultivation of democratic approaches for elementary school students. The goal was to study the results of using a democracy-promoting model at Nakhon Pathom kindergarten schools among 2,107 students from grades 1 to 6. The study was classified into three aspects: 1) inserting content on democratic methods of learning management; 2) comparing behavior before and after project implementation by knowledge test and behavioral assessment as educational instruments; and 3) studying satisfaction levels of students with organized learner development activities, with satisfaction assessment used as a data collection instrument.
Results were that in terms of the content-insertion process about democratic learning management methods, student knowledge levels about the democratic way of life increased at a statistical significance, while comparative behavior before and after project implementation showed that students had an increased democratic behavioral level in terms of dhamma, fellowship, and wisdom at a statistical significance of .00. Finally, student satisfaction findings indicated substantial overall satisfaction with all six programs as well as each individual program.
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