The Concept of Religious Reformation of Korean Won Buddhism


  • Thapakorn Kamnerdsiri Korean Studies, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University


Sot’aesan, Religious Reformation, Buddhism, Ethics, Korean Won Buddhism


Won Buddhism (Won Buddhism: Kr. 원불교, Wonbulgyo) is a group of religious ideas that appeared in South Korean society around the beginning of the 20th century, with “Sot'aesan” or Pak Chungbin (Kr. 박중빈, 朴重彬: 1891 –1943 A.D.) In this respect, if considered from a philosophical perspective, it will be found that the teachings of Won Buddhism are indistinguishable from the basic principles of mainstream Korean Mahayana Buddhism such as the teaching of the Original Mind and Principles of Buddhahood. On the other hand, when considering the teachings and ethical attitudes of Won Buddhism, there are significant differences with mainstream Korean Mahayana Buddhism this difference can be considered from the concept of external religious reformation, which is one of the central teachings of Won Buddhism. The aim of this research article is to discuss the concept of external Buddhist reform of the Won sect in order to point out that the concept of external Buddhist reform of the Won Buddhism is not “Reform for Resistance” of Korean Mainstream Buddhism But on the other hand, the idea of religious reform of Buddhism from outside the Won sect is “Reform to fulfill” the ethical shortcomings of mainstream Korean Buddhism that is, the attempt to fill the gap in the relationship between religion and society reflects the idea of “Buddhist Ethics for Society” which is an important ethical principle of Korean Won Buddhism.


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How to Cite

Kamnerdsiri, T. (2024). The Concept of Religious Reformation of Korean Won Buddhism. Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Research and Development (JMARD), 6(1), 17–45. Retrieved from