Policy Proposal for the well-being of transgender individuals


  • Chanettee Tinnam Faculty of Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn University


Transgender Well-being, Well-being Policy, Transgender Rights, Transgender


This article presents policies to foster the well-being among transgender populations in Thailand, addressing the following key points:

  1. Building understanding and awareness of inclusive health rights for transgender individuals. This policy aims at altering societal attitudes of healthcare services system to diminish discrimination and marginalization against transgender individuals.
  2. Establishing equitable health service systems under health insurance for transgender individuals. This approach involves crafting healthcare services that diminish discrimination and advocate for dimensions of well-being, allowing the transgender population to lead dignified lives in society.


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How to Cite

Tinnam, C. (2024). Policy Proposal for the well-being of transgender individuals. Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Research and Development (JMARD), 6(2), 1–12. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMARD/article/view/269489