development of the drug delivery service system and drug use advice with the participation of primary care unit staff in Mukdahan Province


  • songruk andrada -


Process development of drug delivery services and drug use advice in collaboration with primary care staff based on the experiment Act in real situations with a participatory action research model This is to create a collaborative learning process. that emphasizes participation in every step of the operation from problem analysis and study of solutions, planning, implementation of the plan and monitoring and evaluation Emphasis is placed on raising awareness of drug risk surveillance together. Drug delivery and drug use advice are standardized. It is one of the processes to be able to recognize problems from drug use. to set guidelines together with the prototype primary care unit To obtain a pharmaceutical service model for drug delivery and effective drug use advice appropriate to the context of the primary care unit. and produce good results for public health Objectives of the research To study the process of drug delivery and drug delivery service development process. with the participation of primary care staff and to analyze factors related to the process of drug delivery service system development and give advice on medication use In the context of primary care It is a participatory action research. (Participatory action research) that focuses on analyzing problems and studying solutions, planning, and implementing plans. and monitoring and evaluation The sample group was diabetic patients who came for treatment at the Diabetes Clinic of Phon Sai Health Promoting Hospital Between October 2020 and November 2021 The study found that The process of developing a delivery service system and giving advice on medication use. The participation of primary care unit staff consisted of 1) studying the context of the area and staff 2) building the main research team 3) analyzing problems, causes and setting activities to solve problems 4) planning service implementation. 5) Drug delivery and medication advice

Keywords; drug delivery, participation, primary care unit


