Caring for the Elderly with Malnutrition

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สุนทรี ภานุทัต
จำลอง ชูโต
เฉลิมศรี นันทวรรณ
อำไพวรรณ พุ่มศรีสวัสดิ์
ทัศนีย์ พฤกษาชีวะ


The elderly have increasingly changed in physical, psychosocial and economic conditions as well as their underlining diseases. These changes affect their nutritional status which can lead to high risk in malnutrition. Therefore, screening and nutritional assessment in the elderly is absolute necessary. The practical assessment tool must be uncomplicated for nurses and caregivers to be able to evaluate by themselves for the purpose of early detection of the risk or malnutrition cases. As a result, the elderly will get quick access to care prior to malnutrition or progressive malnutrition. The essential care for the elderly need to be focus on maintaining their optimum nutrition condition of the body as required, along with giving useful advise to their relatives or caregivers in selecting appropriate foods in daily life.

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ภานุทัต ส., ชูโต จ., นันทวรรณ เ., พุ่มศรีสวัสดิ์ อ., & พฤกษาชีวะ ท. (2017). Caring for the Elderly with Malnutrition. Journal of Ratchathani Innovative Health Sciences, 1(1), 1–14. retrieved from
Academic Article


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