Preventing health problems of childhood addicted to online games

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ขวัญจิต เพ็งแป้น


Children develop their physical, emotional, social and intelligence skills to prepare for adulthood. They are curious to try. With the current change of environment, where computers and the Internet have become closer to the individual has had a dramatic influence on children’s behavior. Children use the Internet to expand knowledge and for entertainment. The children also got experience using the internet for playing games. Some children become addicted to the game. The online games have effects on health, brain and intelligence Including family and society. Therefore, parents should give their warm love to their children and take care closely to prevent their children from the games. For the family whose children are already addicted to the games, parents need to be strong and spend quality time with their children and find solutions together. So that they can grow properly, have good development and can live in a society with quality.

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เพ็งแป้น ข. (2017). Preventing health problems of childhood addicted to online games. Journal of Ratchathani Innovative Health Sciences, 1(1), 16–30. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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