The Effects of a Motivation Enhancing Program on the Perception of Cervical Cancer at Dongbang Health Promoting Hospital, Muang District, Ubon Ratchathani Province

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ฐิติมา โกศัลวิตร
นิตยา เจริญยุทธ์
กัญญารัตน์ กันยะกาญจน์
นฤมล บุญญนิวารวัฒน์


          The objective of this quasi-experimental research was to study the effects of a motivation enhancing program on the perception of cervical cancer among women aged between 30-60 inclusively, who were patients in the Dongbang health promoting hospital, Muang district, Ubon Ratchathani province, based on the protection motivation theory by Rogers. The program consisted of a 4 step live and a duration of 8 weeks. The sample consisted of 60 women, selected by purposely sampling subjects from 2 villages. The sample was divided into 2 groups: 1) the control group of 30 women from one village who received the regular teaching program and 2) the experimental group of 30 women who received the experimental motivation teaching program. The research instruments were: 1) the experimental motivation program, which included participating in a small discussion group, media material, model demonstration and the sharing experiences of woman leaders and 2) a questionnaire on the perception of cervical cancer. Data was analyzed using frequency, percentage, paired t-test and independent t-test

          The results revealed a higher means of perception in the experimental group than that of the control group. Measured both before and after participating in the motivation-enhancing program, with a statistical significance (p<.05). The family health care team is a social advocacy network that provides support and promotes activities of the family care team which has led to increased screening for cervical cancer.

          In conclusion, the motivation-enhancing program was effective in improving the perceived prevention of cervical cancer. This program should be used to promote cervical cancer screening.

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โกศัลวิตร ฐ., เจริญยุทธ์ น., กันยะกาญจน์ ก., & บุญญนิวารวัฒน์ น. (2019). The Effects of a Motivation Enhancing Program on the Perception of Cervical Cancer at Dongbang Health Promoting Hospital, Muang District, Ubon Ratchathani Province. Journal of Ratchathani Innovative Health Sciences, 1(3), 18–30. Retrieved from
Research Article


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