The study on factors affecting work happiness of staffs at a drug addiction Rehabilitation ward in the Northeast

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ศิริลักษณ์ ปัญญา
รุ่งอรุณ โทวันนัง


This research was a descriptive research. The objectives were to study on factors affecting work happiness of staffs at a drug addiction Rehabilitation ward in the Northeast. The sample selection was based on the following specific selection methods: 1) 2 persons working in the management line. 2) 10 persons working in the operation line. 3) 15 persons supporting the operation. The data collecting have done during August - October 2018. The Research tools were using interviews with in-depth interviews and focus-group discussions. Then analyzed, the content is analyzed by key points from the interview.

The research found that the factors affecting work happiness of staffs are:      1. Love their work and see the success in the work. 2. Acceptance from supervisors or colleagues. 3. Adaptability for work and colleagues. 4. Have progress and good return. 5. Good working environment. 6. Appropriate workload allocation. 7. Balance of quality of life. 8. Happiness is self-development and can develop their own work.

The research found that the importance of enhancing work happiness will help people to have creative thinking in their work, which will lead to good results. For drug addiction Rehabilitation ward, staff is an important part of the system. If the staff is happy, it will affect the efficiency and effectiveness of the work.

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How to Cite
ปัญญา ศ., & โทวันนัง ร. (2018). The study on factors affecting work happiness of staffs at a drug addiction Rehabilitation ward in the Northeast. Journal of Ratchathani Innovative Health Sciences, 2(1), 12–21. Retrieved from
Research Article


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