Peripheral vein inflammation disease from intravenous solution in critical patient

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มนรดา แข็งแรง
อัจฉราภรณ์ พันธุ์เวียง


This research is descriptive research The objective is to 1) Peripheral vein inflammation Rate in Critical patients 2) the demographic characteristics. Economy and society in Critical patients, Mukdahan Hospital. The study found that most of the samples received the intravenous solution is 64.0 percent male, female, 18 percent of people in the age range most 36.0 and 61–80 years of 38.0 percent. The age range is the 41-60 year of 26.0 percent to 62.0 percent of farming, 74.0 percent of elementary has a 35.0 percent, Spouse 70.0 percent, income between 3001–5000 baht/46.0 per cent, for most of diseases as heart disease, 40.0 percent. Cause illness, treatment, diseases of the respiratory system.34.0percent, Rights to treatment as universal coverage 32 percent. The rate of vein inflammation 14.0 per cent.

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How to Cite
แข็งแรง ม., & พันธุ์เวียง อ. (2018). Peripheral vein inflammation disease from intravenous solution in critical patient. Journal of Ratchathani Innovative Health Sciences, 2(1), 22–36. Retrieved from
Research Article


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