The factors relating and predicting to accidental preventive behaviors among the elderly in Ubon Ratchatani province

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มนพัทธ์ อารัมภ์วิโรจน์



          The study is a descriptive design. The purposes of this research were to investigate the relationship and identify the knowledge of accident and accidental prevention, perceived health status and acceptance of physical change due to aged, family support, receiving of medical services as predictors of the elderlies accidental preventive behaviors. There were totally 290 elderly volunteers enrolled into the study from Multi-Stage Random Sampling technique. The sample size was calculated via Lemeshow equation. Data were collected by interviewing questionnaire and analyzed by descriptive analysis, T-test, One way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation, and Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis. The study results showed that 1. The knowledge of accident and accidental prevention was at a high level 85.2%, the accidental preventive behaviors, family support, receiving of medical services were at a high level (= 2.596, S.D. = 0.651) ( = 2.833, S.D.=0.461) and ( = 2.731, S.D.=0.607) respectively, and the perceived health status and acceptance of physical change due to aged was at a moderate level (= 1.998, S.D. = 0.478). 2. There was differences in the elderlies accidental preventive behaviors as classified by type of daily activities with a statistical significance of 0.05. Moreover, there were no differences among the other variables. 3. The knowledge of accident and accidental prevention, perceived health status and acceptance of physical change due to aged, family support, receiving of medical services were significantly relevant to accidental preventive behaviors with positive values (r = .411, .204, .387 and .291 respectively) 4. The knowledge of accident and accidental prevention, perceived health status and acceptance of physical change due to aged, family support, receiving of medical services were significant linear correlation capable of predicting the elderlies accidental preventive behaviors at the percentage of 40.2 (R2 = .402) with a statistical significance of 0.05. Conclusively, the study results can be applied for a health promotion design in the accidental preventive behaviors among the elderly.

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How to Cite
อารัมภ์วิโรจน์ ม. (2019). The factors relating and predicting to accidental preventive behaviors among the elderly in Ubon Ratchatani province. Journal of Ratchathani Innovative Health Sciences, 2(2), 44–59. Retrieved from
Research Article


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