Self-awareness and Recognition benefits of Self-awareness of nursing student in a private university in Ubon Ratchathani Province

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อรวรรณ นาเพ็ชร
กชกร พละบุตร
กชวรรณ เหลาทอง
กมล เหมอ่อน
กนกพร มิรัตนไพร
กนกอร นิพขันธุ์
กรรภิรมย์ สีหะวงษ
กัญจนาภรณ์ หอมชื่น
ทศา ชัยวรรณวรรต


          Descriptive research aims to compare self-awareness, Perceived benefits of self-awareness of nursing students. And study the application of self-awareness to the use of nursing students in a Private University Ubon Ratchathani province. Sample is a graduate student private university in Ubon Ratchathani province, 190 people. This research consisted of questionnaires, including self-awareness questionnaires. Self-awareness benefit questionnaire and the questionnaire on self-awareness for use in daily life. Statistics used in data analysis were mean, percentage, standard deviation. Comparison of differences with analytical statistics One way ANOVA.

          The research found that comparison of self-awareness of the sample group different with statistical significance at .05 level (P = .001). With the third year having the most self-awareness followed by second year and first year respectively. And comparison of perceived benefits, self-awareness of the sample group different with statistical significance at .05 level (P = .012). With the third year having the most self-awareness Followed by second year and first year respectively. And samples with the awareness of using in daily life by using it to understand your emotions enabling self-control as well as knowing weaknesses. To be used to develop self-improvement in a rational lifestyle. For applying self-awareness to work practices, it was found that the sample group will be used to remind yourself to know yourself make you conscious and careful while working or practice work.

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นาเพ็ชร อ., พละบุตร ก., เหลาทอง ก., เหมอ่อน ก., มิรัตนไพร ก., นิพขันธุ์ ก., สีหะวงษ ก., หอมชื่น ก., & ชัยวรรณวรรต ท. (2019). Self-awareness and Recognition benefits of Self-awareness of nursing student in a private university in Ubon Ratchathani Province. Journal of Ratchathani Innovative Health Sciences, 2(2), 60–73. Retrieved from
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