Strengthening individual, family, and community abilities to promotehealth in Community Way and well-being of people with diabetes and hypertension in Thambon Talat-Khwan, Doi Saket District, Chiang Mai

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เบญจมาศ ถาดแสง
พีรนุช ลาเซอร์


Abstract           This article aims to present the results of the study on Strengthening individual, family, and community abilities to promote health in Community Way and well-being of people with diabetes and hypertension Which has a supplementary process consisting of 3 important elements are patients, families and communities. Patients must receive 1) knowledge and beliefs 2) increase skills and ability to self-regulate and self-management 3) social assistance from Community to bring to change behavior to be able to manage themselves in terms of having meal exercise And dealing with emotions The family has a part to recognize the problems of patients together, planning for patient care. As well as promoting Supporting patients to be able to take care of their health appropriately with the disease. And the community is involved in integrating the way of life local knowledge And benefits in the community To encourage patients to be able to take care of themselves          From the cooperation of the three parties, the results showed that 1) Increase health care behavior of knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of diabetic patients and hypertension patient 2) Individuals in the family with diabetes and hypertension is involved in caring for the patients. 3) A model community is established to take care of diabetics patient and hypertension patient in the community way

Keywords: , , Hypertension patient, Family, Community

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How to Cite
ถาดแสง เ., & ลาเซอร์ พ. (2019). Strengthening individual, family, and community abilities to promotehealth in Community Way and well-being of people with diabetes and hypertension in Thambon Talat-Khwan, Doi Saket District, Chiang Mai. Journal of Ratchathani Innovative Health Sciences, 2(3), 1–17. retrieved from
Academic Article


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