Nutritional Status in the Urban Elderly

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ธนัญธรรศ เพชรเมือง
ดวงหทัย กลัดนวม
เพ็ญนภา เป้งเซ่ง
อภิญญา กุลทะเล



         This study to survey nutritional conditions of elderly people in the urban, Thailand. This study was survey research. The subjects, obtained by means of convenience sampling, were 400 elderly people aged 60 or more who lived in the provinces of Bangkok, Samutprakan and Pathumthani. The instruments used in the research were (1) a personal information and health information recording form and (2) a mini nutritional assessment form. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics, focusing on the frequency and percentage. This research were findings of all the elderly people surveyed, 63.50% (n = 254) were found to have normal nutritional conditions, whilst 36.5% (n = 146) were identified as facing a risk of hyponutrition. Further assessment revealed that 51.4% of the subjects in the risk group were prone to malnutrition, whilst 30.8% received adequate nutrition and 11.8% were suffering from hyponutrition.

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How to Cite
เพชรเมือง ธ., กลัดนวม ด., เป้งเซ่ง เ., & กุลทะเล อ. (2019). Nutritional Status in the Urban Elderly. Journal of Ratchathani Innovative Health Sciences, 2(3), 32–43. retrieved from
Research Article


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