Factors Relating To The First Clinical Practice of Nursing Students Adaptation

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อนุชา วงค์คำอินทร์
ชนาธินาถ รอญณรงค์
อภิญญา กุลทะเล



          This research aims to study the adaptability of nursing students. Factors related to the adjustment of nursing students to practice on the ward first. College of Nursing and Health The university is among first year nursing students at two year study of 119 people in 2560, which was obtained using a research tool contains data query personal factors. Factors adaptation knowledge. Skilled nursing and used Adapting to the workload. To adapt to the regulation. Adaptation to the group members. And supervisor Adaptation to the place of practice. The selection of respondents who complete the 100 and analyzed using statistical correlation coefficient of Pearson (Pearson correlation coefficient).

          The study indicated that Factors of a personal nature Factors associated with knowledge. Skilled nursing and used Adjustment factors to the workload. Factors to adapt to the regulation. Adjustment factors to the group supervisor and the adjustment factor for a place to practice more. Significant of 0.05. 

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How to Cite
วงค์คำอินทร์ อ., รอญณรงค์ ช., & กุลทะเล อ. (2019). Factors Relating To The First Clinical Practice of Nursing Students Adaptation. Journal of Ratchathani Innovative Health Sciences, 2(4), 23–32. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JRIHS/article/view/213306
Research Article


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