Care of Patients with Face-Down Position after Inserting Gas in the Vitreous Cavity

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A-ngun - Noyudom


     Face down position is the most important activity for patients who were diagnosed retinal detachment or macular hole and treated by inserting gas in the vitreous cavity. Gas would float up for pressing retinal detachment to original position or closing a hole when patient stay on face down position. If the patient cannot keep face down position, the complication will occur such as cataract, high ocular pressure, and re-detachment. There are variety barriers that make patients cannot keep face down position for long time, 16 hour per day; even they know its importance. This article will present the knowledge of retinal detachment and macular hole, and treatment. The patients’ experience will be explored about the preparing before and after operation, and also the effect of face down position on physical, mental, and emotional. The nurses’ role will be explained for helping patient to keep face down position effectively.

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How to Cite
Noyudom A- ngun-. Care of Patients with Face-Down Position after Inserting Gas in the Vitreous Cavity. Nurs Res Inno J [internet]. 2019 Jan. 7 [cited 2025 Feb. 8];24(3):239-48. available from:


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