Roles of Home Health Care Nurses in Caring for Patients Receiving Chemotherapy via Central Venous Catheter at Home

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Pinyo Utthiya
Nitchatima Sereewichayasawad
Suwannee Sirilerttrakul
Noppakan Wannakansophon


          Cancer is an important public health problem in the world because of the prognosis and burden of disease impacted to the quality of life of the patient and their family. Therefore, the treatment for cancer has to develop for preparing to the progress of this disease. Chemotherapy is one of the main treatment for several patients with cancer. However, we found the problems which are increasing the number of the patients and limitation of the hospital bed. Ramathibodi hospital has to create Home Chemotherapy RAMA Model: HCRM cooperative with a multidisciplinary team. Home health care nurses play a significant role in this team. The role of home health care nurses are 1) discharge planning 2) home visit 3) follow up and 4) referral service. The service of home chemotherapy via central vein is a new part that is necessary and challenges for home health care nurses. Home health care nurses encourage the home chemotherapy to be effectively and respond to the policy of hospital and public health in our country. It will help hospital decrease the bed occupancy rate and promote the patient receiving the treatments which are following the plan in the direct time. Moreover, the patient will obtain the curative treatment, increase the quality of life, and live at the home better.


Keywords:  Role of home health care nurse / Home Chemotherapy RAMA Model


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How to Cite
Utthiya P, Sereewichayasawad N, Sirilerttrakul S, Wannakansophon N. Roles of Home Health Care Nurses in Caring for Patients Receiving Chemotherapy via Central Venous Catheter at Home. Nurs Res Inno J [internet]. 2019 Sep. 13 [cited 2025 Feb. 17];25(2):119-2. available from:


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