The 6 Item Cognitive Function Test- Thai Version: Psychometric Property Testing

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Suparb Aree-Ue
phichpraorn Youngcharoen


This descriptive study aimed to translate the 6 Item Cognitive Impairment Test (6CIT) that was originally developed by Brooke and Bullock in 1999 from English to Thai and to preliminarily examine its validity and reliability. This study included two phases. Phase 1 consisted of translating the 6CIT into Thai using the back translation method and assessing content validity by a panel of experts in gerontology and cognitive
impairment in older people. Phase 2 comprised concurrent validity testing and stability reliability testing. Participants in this study were older people who participated in two senior citizens clubs, Bangkok. A hundred older people who met the inclusion criteria were invited to participate in this study. Participants were interviewed using the demographic questionnaire, the Mini-Cog-Thai version, and the 6CIT-Thai version. Fifty participants out of a hundred who had the same inclusion criteria were asked to complete the 6CIT-Thai version again in the next two weeks. Data were analyzed using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients. The results indicated that the content validity index for item and scale level index reflected its validity. The 6CIT-Thai version showed acceptable concurrent validity. There was a statistically significant moderate negative correlation between the score of the 6CIT-Thai version and the Mini-Cog-Thai version.
Also, the stability reliability was validated through the test-retest reliability coefficient and it showed a significant strong positive correlation between a score of the 6CIT-Thai version at the first round and the second round, two weeks apart. In summary, the 6CITThai version has shown to be valid and reliable to use for initial screening for dementia in older adults living in a community and for conducting research.

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How to Cite
Aree-Ue S, Youngcharoen phichpraorn. The 6 Item Cognitive Function Test- Thai Version: Psychometric Property Testing. Nurs Res Inno J [internet]. 2020 Aug. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 26];26(2):188-202. available from:


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