A Study of Collaborative Problem-Solving Competency for Nursing Students

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Jirarporn Tunksakool
Danulada Jamjuree
Montree Yamkasikorn
Chuanruedee Kongsaktrakul


This qualitative descriptive research aimed to examine collaborative problemsolving competency in nursing students. In-depth interviews were used for data collection with eight participants who were nurse instructors and nurses who had received the Nursing Practice Excellence Awards from their hospitals or nursing organizations. The result of the study illustrated that the meaning of collaborative problem solving
competency for nursing students was the student’s behaviors to motivate others to engage in team-based problem solving, to think about all possible solutions to solve a problem,and reach the ultimate goal and everybody’s satisfaction by taking the benefit of the group into account. The collaborative problem-solving competency comprised three different competencies with eight total components: 1) the competency of establishing and maintaining their understanding of each other, consisting of three components
(Collecting/Researching Data, Sharing Data, and Confirming Data); 2) the competency of selecting a proper solution in solving problems, consisting of two components (Connecting Data, Making Decisions); 3) the competency of establishing and maintaining an organizational team, consisting of three components (Teamwork, Support Groups, and Evaluation and Improvement). Therefore, this collaborative problemsolving
capability in nursing students can be used to determine expected learning outcomes and to design learning management that empowers nursing students with collaborative problem-solving abilities to work effectively with health teams.

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How to Cite
Tunksakool J, Jamjuree D, Yamkasikorn M, Kongsaktrakul C. A Study of Collaborative Problem-Solving Competency for Nursing Students. Nurs Res Inno J [internet]. 2020 Aug. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 17];26(2):217-31. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RNJ/article/view/241042


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