Relationships among Knowledge, Health Literacy, and Health Behavior in Older Persons with Chronic Kidney Disease ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างความรู้ ความรอบรู้ด้านสุขภาพ และพฤติกรรมสุขภาพของผู้สูงอายุที่มีโรคไตเรื้อรัง

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Chayabha Vorrapittayaporn
Porntip Malathum
Noppawan Phinitkhajorndech


This descriptive study aimed to examine the relationship between knowledge,health literacy, and health behavior in older persons with chronic kidney disease.Nutbeam’s concept of health literacy was used to guide the study. The sample recruited by purposive sampling technique consisted of 98 older persons with chronic kidney disease from stage 4 to 5, who did not undergo the renal replacement therapy and used
healthcare services at a chronic kidney disease clinic at a tertiary hospital in Bangkok.The data were collected by the interviews using the questionnaires on demographic data,knowledge about the care of chronic kidney disease, health literacy, and health behavior of older persons with chronic kidney disease. The data were collected from March to May 2019 and analyzed using the descriptive statistics and Spearman’s Rho correlation coefficients. The results showed that the mean scores of the total knowledge, health literacy, and health behavior about chronic kidney disease care were at a high level. The analysis showed a significant positive relationship between health literacy and health behavior, but the knowledge was not statistically correlated with health literacy or health behavior. Thus, health care providers should enhance the health literacy of older persons with chronic kidney disease to select information critically so that they can perform appropriate health behaviors.
Keywords: Knowledge, Health literacy, Health behavior, Chronic kidney disease, Older persons

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How to Cite
Vorrapittayaporn C, Malathum P, Phinitkhajorndech N. Relationships among Knowledge, Health Literacy, and Health Behavior in Older Persons with Chronic Kidney Disease: ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างความรู้ ความรอบรู้ด้านสุขภาพ และพฤติกรรมสุขภาพของผู้สูงอายุที่มีโรคไตเรื้อรัง. Nurs Res Inno J [internet]. 2021 May 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];27(1):77-91. available from:


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