Nursing Students' Preparations and Satisfactions on Experiential Learning Strategies for the Conduct of Labor before Clinical Practice

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Sailom Gerdprasert
Pairin Sukontrakoon
Pranee Pongrua


This descriptive research study aimed to explore the experiential learning strategies and satisfaction with practicing the conduct of labor among nurse-midwifery students before clinical practice at a labor room. Kolb’s experiential learning Model was used as a conceptual framework. Five experiential learning strategies for students’ preparation used in this study included: 1) instructors’ demonstration of labor and delivery conduct by using a model; 2) a video of the normal labor procedures; 3) procedural checklists of normal labor procedural steps; 4) student practicing in pairs of labor and delivery conduct on a model, and 5) a handbook on normal labor procedures. The sample consisted of 113 fourth-year nursing midwifery students. The sample received all five experiential learning strategies two weeks before their clinical practice at the labor room. Data collection was conducted through a questionnaire by asking the students about their opinions and satisfaction with the experiential learning strategies. The semi-structured interviews with 30 nursing midwifery students were used to explore why they used such experiential strategies and elicit recommendations. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the quantitative data. The results showed that most of the sample reported being prepared and satisfied with practicing in pairs with another student, followed by using the procedural checklists, observing the instructor’s demonstration, reviewing the video, and using the self-study handbook on labor procedures, respectively. Additionally, for the semi-structured
interviews, the students suggested that there should be fewer students and more models per each instructor's section. The streaming video should be divided into shorter sections to make it easier to access. The handbook on normal labor procedures should include more illustrations to make it easier to follow. The results from this research will be useful for instructors who teach the conduct of labor and delivery. The instructors can adjust experiential learning strategies to meet the student’s learning needs.
Keywords: Preparation, Satisfaction, Nursing students, Experiential learning

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Gerdprasert S, Sukontrakoon P, Pongrua P. Nursing Students’ Preparations and Satisfactions on Experiential Learning Strategies for the Conduct of Labor before Clinical Practice. Nurs Res Inno J [Internet]. 2021 May 5 [cited 2024 Oct. 14];27(1):136-49. Available from:


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