Association between Personal Factors, Health Status, and Health Literacy about Falling, with Fall Prevention Behaviors among Older Adults Living in the Community

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Kamonrat Kittipimpanon
Phachongchit Kraithaworn


Falls are a major public health issue globally, leading to injury, disability,and death. This study aimed to explore health literacy about falling and fall prevention behaviors and examine the association between personal factors, health status, health literacy about falling, and fall prevention behaviors. The sample consisted of 260 older adults, who were recruited according to inclusion criteria and multistage sampling. Data were collected using demographic data, health literacy about falling, and fall prevention behaviors questionnaires. Data analysis included descriptive statistics, Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation, Point Biserial Correlation, and Spearman’s Rank Correlation.Results revealed that older adults had health literacy about falling and fall prevention behaviors at a high level. Correlation analysis revealed that age, gender, education level,health problem, medication use, and health literacy about falling were significantly
associated with fall prevention behaviors. Therefore, health care personnel should promote health literacy about fall prevention to older adults, especially self-management and media literacy skills. These actions will assist them to have appropriate fall prevention behaviors and prevent falls in the future.
Keywords: Health literacy about falling, Fall prevention behaviors, Older adults, Falls

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How to Cite
Kittipimpanon K, Kraithaworn P. Association between Personal Factors, Health Status, and Health Literacy about Falling, with Fall Prevention Behaviors among Older Adults Living in the Community. Nurs Res Inno J [internet]. 2021 Dec. 24 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];27(3):331-42. available from:


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