Selected Factors Related to Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease

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Sirirat Tanyabut
Kusuma Khuwatsamrit
Nirobol Kanogsunthornrat


This descriptive research aimed to examine the correlation between age,gender, the sense of coherence, social support, type of treatments, the severity of disease,and health-related quality of life in patients with the peripheral arterial occlusive disease.
Ferrans’s conceptual model of health-related quality of life was used as a conceptual framework. Purposive sampling of 80 patients with the peripheral arterial occlusive disease were selected from an outpatient department of Ramathibodi hospital. Data were
collected using four questionnaires: demographic characteristic data and medical history,the Peripheral Artery Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire (PADQOL), the Sense of Coherence (SOC-13) Questionnaire, and Social Support Questionnaire. Then, the data
were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient, Spearman rank correlation coefficient, and Point-biserial correlation. The results showed that the sample had a low health-related quality of life and a moderate
sense of coherence and social support. The sense of coherence, social support, and severity of disease were significantly positively correlated with health-related quality of life. However, age, gender, and type of treatments were not significantly correlated
with health-related quality of life. Type of surgery was significantly correlated with health-related quality of life. The findings of this study can be used to develop guidelines to care for these patients to improve health-related quality of life.
Keywords: Health-related quality of life, Peripheral arterial occlusive disease, Sense
of coherence, Social support

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How to Cite
Tanyabut S, Khuwatsamrit K, Kanogsunthornrat N. Selected Factors Related to Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease. Nurs Res Inno J [Internet]. 2022 Apr. 22 [cited 2024 Sep. 13];28(1):59-74. Available from:


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