A Feasibility Study of Applying a Nursing Care Plan for Persons with Heart Failure in a Secondary Hospital

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Duangjai Boonkong
Apinya Siripitayakunkit
Porntip Malathum


The purpose of this study was to examine the feasibility and satisfaction of nurses with applying the Nursing Care Plan for Persons with Heart Failure (NCPPHF)admitted to Nakhon Phanom Hospital. Donabedian’s Quality Framework and Soukup’s Evidence-based Practice Model was used to guide the study. Participants consisted of 18 nurses from two medical wards, and eight nurses from the Home Health Care Unit at Nakhon Phanom Hospital. The NCPPHF was used with patients who were admitted
to the medical ward until discharge from hospital to home for three months. The instruments used to collect data included questionnaires to elicit the personal data and the feasibility to use the NCPPHF for each item and as a whole and satisfaction of nurses with using the Nursing Care Plan. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics. The findings revealed that most nurses agreed that the NCPPHF was possible to use. Only 25% of Home Health Care nurses agreed with the NCPPHF in terms of monitoring patients by a telephone call after discharge from the hospital. In addition, nurses were
satisfied with the NCPPHF with the highest level. In conclusion, the NCPPHF is feasible to use. Criteria of persons with heart failure for home visits monitoring should be developed so nurses can monitor persons with heart failure by telephone call after discharge from the hospital. The continuing home visit had to maintain effectiveness of nursing care. The Administration Board of Nakhon Phanom Hospital should systematically support collaborative units of care in managing effective care of persons with heart failure. All nurses who are responsible for caring heart failure persons should have the opportunity to be trained in knowledge and care of persons with heart failure.
Keywords: Feasibility study, Nursing care plan, Heart failure, Secondary hospital

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How to Cite
Boonkong D, Siripitayakunkit A, Malathum P. A Feasibility Study of Applying a Nursing Care Plan for Persons with Heart Failure in a Secondary Hospital. Nurs Res Inno J [internet]. 2021 Aug. 29 [cited 2025 Feb. 11];27(2):202-15. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RNJ/article/view/250281


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