The Development of a Universal Line Locker for Cardiac Surgery

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Sumethee Jiraratkul
Pimnada Pichaiphanupatt


The arterial and venous tubing is a crucial part of the cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) system because it functions as the great vessel of the patient. Therefore, securing devices to prevent disposition or dislodgement of the tubing lines is very important.The limitation of original securing devices is that they are less flexible, take a long time to prepare, and more increase the risk of losing swabs. The strengths of the universal line lockers are locally available material, inexpensive, and easily adjusted during procedures. The universal line locker is designed to reduce the preparation complexity and facilitate the surgeon’s operation faster and safer. The reused material is purposefully used to make the universal line locker to reduce global waste. After the pilot test, the overall level of satisfaction from surgeons, scrub nurses, and perfusionists is excellent.The universal line locker can be used in clinical practice to promote safety for patients and operators.
Keywords: Universal line locker, Cardiac surgery, Cardiopulmonary bypass

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How to Cite
Jiraratkul S, Pichaiphanupatt P. The Development of a Universal Line Locker for Cardiac Surgery. Nurs Res Inno J [internet]. 2022 Dec. 22 [cited 2025 Jan. 19];28(3). available from:


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