A Comparison of Adherence Rates to Guidelines for Contact Precautions between Healthcare Workers Performing Low-Risk and High-Risk Activities for Body Fluid Exposure to Patients with Multidrug-Resistant Organisms
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This descriptive study aimed to compare the adherence rates to guidelines for contact precautions between healthcare workers performing low-risk and high-risk activities for body fluid exposure to patients with multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs). The guidelines for contact precautions included hand hygiene, gowning, and gloving. Convenience sampling was used to recruit a sample of healthcare workers who performed tasks in a medical semiintensive care unit. Non-participatory action observation with random sampling was conducted a total of 560 times consisting of 330 times of high-risk activities and 220 times of low-risk activities. The high-risk or low-risk activities were classified based on how much healthcare workers have been exposed to body fluid of patients with MDROs. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and the chi-square test. The results revealed that healthcare workers’adherence rates to guidelines for contact precautions (washing hands, gowning, and gloving) in low-risk activities for body fluid exposure were significantly lower than in high-risk activities among patients with MDROs both before and after providing care. Thus, the relevant authorities should also pay attention to controlling the spread of MDROs in low-risk activities for body fluid exposure to prevent this gap and make it more effective to control the spread of MDROs.
Keywords: Adherence rate, Guidelines for contact precautions, Multi-drug resistant organisms, Body fluid exposure
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