Workplace Violence and Workplace Violence Prevention Guidelines for Professional Nurses at a Tertiary Hospital

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Isara Srithong
Premruetai Noimuenwai
Suchinda Jarupat Maruo


This mixed-method research aimed to explore the situation of workplace violence,develop workplace violence prevention guidelines for professional nurses, and examine the feasibility of applying the guidelines in a tertiary hospital. The sample of the first phase, studying the situation and needs, consisted of 304 professional nurses who had worked for at least one year. The second phase, developing the guidelines, included 51 professional nurses who had experienced workplace violence, and 55 personnel were recruited in the third phase to examine the feasibility of applying the developed guidelines. Data were collected using the Workplace Violence among Professional Nurses Questionnaire, the Feasibility of Applying the Guideline Questionnaire, and probing questions for focus group discussion and in-depth interviews. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Colaizzi’s descriptive phenomenological method.The findings about the situation of workplace violence revealed that 16.78% of professional nurses experienced workplace violence within the past one year. Workplace violence included psychological violence (6.91%), physical violence (2.63%), and sexual violence (1.31%).The causes of workplace violence consisted of personal factors: uncontrollable anger, aggressiveness, anxiety, upset, dissatisfaction due to cutting queues, unsuitable room, workload assignment,and environmental factors:inappropriate service behavior of personnel. The workplace violence affected mostly professional nurses’psychological well-being.Secondly, the developed workplace violence prevention guidelines included reducing working alone, limiting visitors to patients, installing a closed-circuit television system, and developing a training program for workplace violence management. Lastly,participants agreed that the developed guidelines could be implemented in their hospital at a high level. The hospital administrators can use the findings to develop workplace violence prevention guidelines and strengthen a safety working environment for medical personnel.
Keywords:Professional nurses, Violence prevention guidelines,Workplace violence

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How to Cite
Srithong I, Noimuenwai P, Jarupat Maruo S. Workplace Violence and Workplace Violence Prevention Guidelines for Professional Nurses at a Tertiary Hospital. Nurs Res Inno J [internet]. 2023 Dec. 22 [cited 2025 Feb. 10];29(3). available from:
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