Factors Influencing Self-Concept of Adolescents with Epilepsy

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Chuthathip Mongkholkham
Autchareeya Patoomwan
Apasri Lusawat


This cross-sectional descriptive study was designed to investigate the self-concept of adolescents with epilepsy and its influencing factors of gender, severity of epilepsy, and family functioning on the self-concept of adolescents with epilepsy guided by Bracken’s Self-Concept Model. A total of 82 adolescents with epilepsy, 12-18 years of age,were selected by purposive sampling from pediatric neurology outpatient clinics from three tertiary care medical centers, who had a minimum standard score above 70 on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Fourth Edition. Participants completed the Demographic Questionnaire, Epilepsy Severity Scale, Piers-Harris Self-Concept Scale,3rd Edition, and General Functioning 12-item Subscale. Neurology clinic charts were reviewed for the type and frequency of seizures, and the number of antiepileptic drugs.The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression. The findings revealed that the participants had an average level of self-concept overall and in most domains. However, they had a low level in two domains of self-concept: happiness and satisfaction, and intellectual and school status. Epilepsy severity and family functioning could co-predict overall self-concept by 7.10 % significantly, while there was no correlation between gender and self-concept. Based on the study findings, nursing implications should screen individuals' self-concept (particularly happiness and satisfaction, intellectual and school status), and emphasize the severity of epilepsy and family functioning to promote adolescents with epilepsy for a positive self-concept.
Keywords : Adolescents, Epilepsy, Self-concept

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How to Cite
Mongkholkham C, Patoomwan A, Lusawat A. Factors Influencing Self-Concept of Adolescents with Epilepsy. Nurs Res Inno J [internet]. 2024 Apr. 19 [cited 2025 Mar. 27];30(1). available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RNJ/article/view/261664
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