Effects of Prototype Triangular Latex Pillows on the Prevention of Pressure Injury in Older Adults*

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Kwanjit Punpho
Baiboon Srithamma
Yotahka Dontree


This quasi-experimental study aimed to examine the effect of prototype triangular latex pillows on the prevention of pressure injury in older adults. The participants were 150 older adults aged 60 years and over, with a Braden scale less than 18 and no pressure injury.The study was conducted at Thammasat University Hospital from February 2022 to September 2023. The participants who met the inclusion criteria were randomly assigned into five groups,30 participants per group: one control group (CG) and four experimental groups (EGs) via sampling without replacement. The participants in the control group were positioned in a 30-degree side-lying posture with regular pillows or folded blankets to support and turn over every two hours. Participants in the first experimental group were positioned in a side-lying posture with a 40-degree firm latex pillow, whereas those in the second experimental group were positioned in a side-lying posture with 40-degree medium latex pillows. Participants in the third experimental group were positioned in a side-lying posture with a 45-degree firm latex pillow, and those in the fourth experimental group were positioned in a side-lying posture with a 45-degree medium latex pillow. Each participant was turning positions every two hours,three times. At each turn, pressure injury was assessed on the coccyx and left and right hip.Data were collected until each group had 30 participants completed the protocol. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and one-way ANOVA. The results showed that all participants had no pressure injuries after the program completion. For future studies, the duration of time should be extended and different degrees and densities of latex pillows should be examined on the prevention of pressure injury.
Keywords: Older adults, Pressure injury, Triangular latex pillow

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How to Cite
Punpho K, Srithamma B, Dontree Y. Effects of Prototype Triangular Latex Pillows on the Prevention of Pressure Injury in Older Adults*. Nurs Res Inno J [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 19 [cited 2024 Oct. 21];30(2). Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RNJ/article/view/264903
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