Factors Related to Lower-Limb Functional Recovery in Persons with Closed Fracture of Femur Undergoing Internal Fixation Surgery
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This descriptive study aimed to describe lower-limb functional recovery and examine the relationship between the type of internal fixation, illness perception,rehabilitation behavior, and social support with lower-limb functional recovery in persons with closed fracture of femur after undergoing internal fixation surgery for three months. Sampling technique was determined by the period of time based on the inclusion criteria was used to recruit a sample of 90 persons with closed fractures of the femur undergoing internal fixation surgery for three months who visited the orthopedic outpatient department of the hospital under the Ministry of Public Health from August 2021 to October 2022. Research instruments included the Demographic Questionnaire, the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire, the Rehabilitation Behavior Questionnaire, the Social Support Questionnaire,and the Modified Lower Extremity Functional Scale. Descriptive statistics, independent t-test, and Pearson’s product moment correlation were employed for data analyses. The results showed that 40.20% of the sample had lower-limb functional recovery. The mean lower-limb functional recovery score was at a moderate level.Statistical analysis revealed that illness perception and social support were significantly negatively correlated with lower-limb functional recovery. Rehabilitation behavior in patients was significantly positively correlated with lower-limb functional recovery. In addition, lower-limb functional recovery in patients who received internal fixation surgery with plate and nailing was not significantly different. The results of the study suggest that illness perception should be assessed. Continuous education and training in rehabilitation skills for patients after internal fixation surgery are needed to achieve bone recovery. Moreover,providing knowledge to relatives in caring for and encouraging patients to have appropriate and effective rehabilitation behavior is also needed to accomplish full bone recovery.
Keywords: Illness perception, Lower-limb functional recovery, Rehabilitation behaviors,Social support, Type of internal fixation
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