The Role of Perioperative Nurse: Health Education for pre and Postoperative visiting

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Rattana Permpech
Benjamaporn Butsripoom




               Preoperative and postoperative visiting care is an important role of perioperative nurses. Preoperative visiting care provides for patients scheduled both in-patient and out-patient because patients and there families often have anxiety. Therefore, they need more information retailing to surgery in the preoperative period. To minimizing anxiety, relieving pain, promoting recovery and prevent complications occurred pre and postoperative period, preoperative visiting should be performed. The perioperaive nurses must have skills and knowledges for providing information, explanation and verification the understanding of patients and their families before surgery. It is important to carefully identify and assess potential risks to patients undergoing surgery as well as factors affecting patients’ anxiety. Implementing the nursing process to promote individualized nursing care could make surgical patients receiving the continuous care throughout the surgery. The perioperative nurses also provide significant postoperative visit to determine the quality of nursing care happened to patients during preoperative, intraopertive and postoperative periods. In addition, it allow to assess and find additional problems in the postoperative period to provide optimal promoting recovery return to normal daily reliving life. Moreover, clinical outcome and recommendations could improve the quality of patient care more efficiently.


Key words: Pre and postoperative visiting, Perioperative nurse

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How to Cite
Permpech R, Butsripoom B. The Role of Perioperative Nurse: Health Education for pre and Postoperative visiting. Nurs Res Inno J [internet]. 2016 Aug. 19 [cited 2025 Feb. 15];22(1):9-20. available from: