Comparisons of Learning Achievement and Learning Retention in a Basic Teaching Profession Course in the Education Program (Physical Education) of Third - year Students between the Constructivism Teaching Approach and Lecture Teaching Approach

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Prathumporn Sri-isan


This study aimed to compare learning achievement and learning retention in a basic Teaching profession course of third - year Education (Physical Education) Program students who learned using the concept of constructivism theory and the lecture teaching approach. The sample consisted of 60 students, obtained by using the purposive sampling technique. The instruments used for collecting data were plans for organization of learning based of the constructivism and plans for organization of learning by using the lecture teaching approach, 5 plans each ; and an achievement test in the basic teaching profession course. The statistics used for analyzing the collected data were mean, standard deviation, and MANOVA.

The results of the study were as follows: 1) Learning by using the constructivism teaching approach and the lecture Approach had different mean scores on learning achievement and on learning retention in the basic teaching profession course at the .01

level of statistical significance. 2) Learning by using the constructivism teaching approach and the lecture teaching approach and the lecture teaching approach had different mean scores on learning achievement at the .01 level of statistical significance. However, there was not a different in mean scores on learning retention. Learning by using the constructivism teaching approach could have a higher mean score on learning achievement than learning by using the lecture approach. Nevertheless, mean scores on learning retention in learning by using both teaching approach did not show a difference.

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How to Cite
Sri-isan, P. (2011). Comparisons of Learning Achievement and Learning Retention in a Basic Teaching Profession Course in the Education Program (Physical Education) of Third - year Students between the Constructivism Teaching Approach and Lecture Teaching Approach. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 3(1), 99–106. Retrieved from
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