Knowledge and Attitudes of Metropolitan Women towards Cervical Cancer Prevention with Human Papillomavirus Vaccination: A Cross-sectional Study
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To evaluate the knowledge and attitudes of Bangkok Metropolitan women towards Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccinations. Thai women aged 25–65 years old who had lived in Bangkok for 5 years or over were invited to the study. Participants were asked to complete the questionnaire. 4,405 of 5,000 women completed the questionnaires. Approximately two-thirds of women had heard about HPV vaccination (61.4%). Approximately two-thirds of them had correct answers about the causes or risk factors of cervical cancer (65.7%), including HPV as an etiologic agent (67.4%). However, only few understood the relationship of HPV and cervical cancer (2.8%) or the types of HPV (6.2%). Regarding knowledge of cervical cancer and HPV, a quarter knew the method of HPV transmission (25.6%). Although most accepted the HPV vaccination (78.6%), only one-third knew about the particular groups of women who would benefit from this vaccination (34.6%). In conclusion, more than half of women knew about the cause of cervical cancer and HPV vaccine. However, only a few women knew about the relationship between HPV and cervical cancer or the types of HPV.
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