Cardiac Arrest in the Operating Room: Problems of Care by Nurse Anesthetists

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Punlop Boondech


Background: Cardiac arrest in the operation room is an
emergency condition in which appropriate care can
increase the survival rate. Nurse anesthetists play an
important role in cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Objectives: To study the problem of nurse anesthetist
during cardiac arrest care in operating room including
associated factors.
Methods: The study is a prospective, descriptive study
conducted at the Department of Anesthesiology, Faculty
of Medicine, Khon Kaen University. The participants were
nurse anesthetists. Specific questionnaire was decided to
study the problems and cause of problems in cardiac arrest
care in operating room including associated factors.
Results: The response rate was 54.7 %. The most
commonly cited problem was defibrillator using. Other
common problems were communication, resuscitation
form and drug administration. The underlying causes were
the lack of awareness of guidelines, inadequate number
of equipment, lack of practical experience and refresher
Conclusions: Our study found many problems during
cardiac arrest care in operating room. These findings could
be helpful in developing nurse anesthetist workflow
management and the care of cardiac arrest in the
operating room.

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Original articles


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