The Problems and Tips for Use of the GlideScope® Video Laryngoscope for Endotracheal Intubation in the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Suthasinee Samankatiwat


During the current outbreak of novel coronavirus
disease 2019 (COVID-19), anesthesiologists and
healthcare workers who are involved in airway
management are particularly at risk of infection due to
intubation. Because intubation is aerosol generating
procedure which increase the risk of viral transmission,
anesthesiologists and intubators should be careful when
performing endotracheal intubation. Video laryngoscope
is an intubation device that has camera and LED
illumination fixed to the distal part of the laryngoscope
blade. GlideScope® video laryngoscope has been widely
used to facilitate endotracheal intubation. It occasionally
is difficult to advance the endotracheal tube into the
trachea even with a good view of glottis. Patients with
COVID-19 could have risk of rapid arterial oxygen
desaturation due to limitation in preoxygenation and
manual positive pressure ventilation before intubation.
Therefore, time to intubation is very important to reduce
that risk. This article demonstrates problems and some
tips for GlideScope® use in current situation and the next
new normal practice.

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