Briefing Culture for Patient Safety

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Khanita Kasikan
Sudta Parakkamodom
Napatsorn Tuyatiko
Somchai Amornyotin


Patients and relatives or families expect to receive treatment and surgery to cure disease safely with no complications from a team of care providers consisting of surgeons, anesthesiologists, anesthesia nurses, operating room nurses and other coordinators. In the anesthesia process, anesthesia providers briefing culture is a systematic process of communication between the team before starting the care process in the operating room or procedure. It is a critical step in ensuring the patient safety. Creating a culture of patient safety in the organization, which includes the values, beliefs, attitudes, norms, and behaviors of personnel. That will affect the attitude and behavior of personnel to improve the quality of patient health care and prevent the adverse events, discrepancies, errors, and the patient mortality rate in hospitals. Briefing emphasizes an awareness of potential patient problems and clear communication between the patient care team without increasing the delay in starting surgery.

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Review articles


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